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Spenny (who is afraid of heights) rides in a small airplane while aerobatic maneuvers are performed.
Kenny had a lot of fun in the episode and figured most people would find riding in a plane a lot of fun, thus Spenny was sent on the plane
22nd Jan 2010 / Season 6 Episode 09
The boys see who can have more fun this week, and Kenny starts off by tormenting Spenny when Spenny is trying to do his fun (tactics like putting beef in his bed and making love to the bed where the meat is stuffed and also breaking Spenny's stuff). Spenny gives Kenny $1,000 to go to "Amsterdam" and Kenny takes the offer, but goes to the "Amsterdam" beer company, and showers himself in beer, meanwhile, Spenny is trying to have a dinner party but Kenny comes back and crashes it. Spenny eventually goes on a boat ride with three prostitutes and booze but gets too drunk and passes out before he could have more fun with the prostitutes. Meanwhile Kenny is crushing cars (and Spenny's laptop), and in the end Spenny admits Kenny had more fun.