2nd Sep 2003 / Season 1 Episode 04
Kenny drank lots of coffee during the competition, while Spenny decided to try and win without using any artificial stimulants. Kenny used an electric wheelchair at a museum to expend as little energy as possible. Spenny wanted to follow Kenny on foot wherever he went to make sure that he wouldn't cheat. Kenny used an oxygen tank and a beeper in his ear that sounded when it was tilted to keep himself awake, while Spenny looked after a relative's children so that they could keep him awake. The duo visited a sleep clinic to see if they would fall asleep. Kenny also utilized a bright light visor which mimicked sunlight to help him stay awake. By Day 4, 81 hours, 12 minutes and 23 seconds into the competition, Kenny caught Spenny asleep on the couch.
In the Awake episode, Kenny said he would have to start sticking forks into his testicles in order to stay awake. During the Basketball episode, The Fork of Luminescence was born, where by the fork was used to pierce the ballbag so as Kenny's team could all drink from the goblet.
Endurance competitions entail lasting longer than the other guy. They include competitions when the other guy might get caught or break a rule first, as they didn't endure longer.
OG Commentary
Kenny and Spenny rip on each other throughout the whole commentary. They talk about an assortment of personality traits between moments of discussing the strategies and antics used to win the Awake episode.