All material published on KvS.fan, be it on this website, or elsewhere on the internet, even material based on real persons and events from the show, has been created for the sole purpose of bringing the world of Kenny vs Spenny to more people, with the hope that it will bring as much joy and laughter to others, as it so generously has to me, over the years. All content should be considered the property of the rightful copyright holder; Kenny Hotz.
The purpose being, fans of the show, both new and old, have a site they can visit, that allows them to explore all the glorious Kenny vs Spenny media, in one convenient place. From being able to seamlessly navigate through the episodes to find a new favorite, or discovering what episodes have original commentaries, from the comfort of your couch, as well as easily seeing the new cummentaries being published on Patreon, KvS.fan acts as a Kenny vs Spenny media hub.
It also serves as a fun poke at Spenny's quote that no one would remember who won the competitions in ten years. Well Spenny, we remember. I hope you all get as much fun, laughter, and enjoyment from KvS.fan, as I've had making it!
~ VirtualJester
OG Commentary
Sorry about the inconvenience.