Kenny drank a coffee brewed with Spenny's underwear.
Spenny washed windshields, which is illegal in the city of Toronto, thus breaking one of his own rules.
7th Oct 2003 / Season 1 Episode 11
During the course of the competition Spenny tried to earn money through manual labour. He cleaned a warehouse, sold roses, and washed windshields (which is illegal in the city of Toronto, thus breaking one of his own rules) for meager sums of money. In a final attempt to improve his earnings, Spenny bet all his money at the race track and won. Meanwhile, Kenny offered various businesses a chance to advertise on the show and made thousands of dollars. However, the show's lawyer informed Kenny that he was legally obligated to split this money with Spenny, effectively cancelling out his earnings.
Spenny dressed as a clown to earn money while trying to earn the most money, and then essentially while competing for a hypothetical contract for money, dressed as a clown again